Improved Outcomes Through Monitoring, Tracking & Education

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Chronic diseases are the leading causes of death and disability in United States, diseases such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, cancer, obesity and arthritis. As of 2012 half of all adults (117 million people) had one or more chronic health conditions. One in four adults had 2 or more chronic conditions.

In 2014 seven of the top 10 causes of death where chronic diseases, with heart disease and cancer accounting for 46% of all deaths. Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure, lower limb amputations and new cases of blindness among adults, and arthritis is the most common cause of disability.

In United States today HIV disease is no longer a death sentence but is now a chronic disease. While HIV is manageable drug adherence is still

critical as well as patients dealing with adverse drug reactions, drug-drug interactions and the development of other chronic disease states such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic kidney disease, diabetes and hypertension.

The pharmacist is an important member of the healthcare team preventing medication related adverse events, drug therapy problems, drug-drug interactions, as well as being a conduit in the continuum of patient care.

As a result Pharmacists are crucial members of a patient's Healthcare Team and the role of the pharmacist is rapidly evolving.

In California and in other states pharmacists are recognized as Healthcare providers and the traditional role of the pharmacist as a person “putting pills in the bottle” has evolved into a highly skilled healthcare provider.

The Center for Advanced Pharmacist Care is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and is committed to advancing the Advanced Practice of pharmacists. The Center provides pharmacist Medication Therapy Management (MTM), Chronic Care Management (CCM)  and disease state management services under collaborative Practice Agreements with clinics and physicians.

What We Do

  • Work within the scope of collaborative practice agreements

  • Optimize patient medication regimens

  • Enhance patient education about medications

  • Identify and manage drug-drug interactions across all patients therapies, Over the Counter Drugs, illicit drugs as well as vitamins and supplements

  • Identify gaps in adherence, provide patient education that promotes maximal adherence

  • Make referrals as appropriate

  • Enhanced therapeutic outcomes

  • Decreased healthcare costs

  • Improved humanistic outcomes

  • Further the Advancement of Advanced Practice Pharmacist Care

The role of the pharmacist as a healthcare provider is recognized by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) and the fact that pharmacists must be reimbursed for these care services.

HIV Specialty Pharmacy Outcomes Past, Present, and Future Outlook for 2018

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